Why Is There Black Mould On My Ceiling?
Black mould is the absolute bane of many households. It can pop up out of nowhere, and is known to cause a great many health issues. “Why is there black mould on my ceiling?” is a question heard up and down the country – we are here to answer that question, and to help you fix the problem once and for all.
Why Is There Black Mould On My Ceiling?
Mould is pretty much always caused by condensation, and a lack of airflow. If your house contains one or both of these things, you are at a high risk of black mould.
Bearing in mind that warm air rises, it is not too surprising to find that there may be mould growing on your ceilings.
This can also be a place where there is reduced airflow, which will exacerbate the problem still further.
Another cause can be that the ceiling is much closer to the roof, and if this is improperly sealed then there is a much higher chance of mould getting in.
Once even one spore of mould gets into your house, it can be incredibly difficult to get rid of it again – this stuff does love to multiply!
How Do I Get Rid Of Black Mould On My Ceiling?
There are a lot of products out there that are designed to help you clean off mould, and which promise to do it 100% effectively.
However, a lot of these contain some pretty harsh chemicals, that you may not be comfortable spraying around your family and pets!
There are many simple and easy ways to get rid of black mould on my ceiling naturally, that work just as well as those you buy.
- Add some white vinegar to a spray bottle filled with water, then spray this mixture onto the mould.
- Leave it to do its job for an hour, then wipe it off, and wipe the whole area down with clean water.
- Allow it to dry naturally, and this should have fixed the problem! You may need to re-treat if you spot mould patches returning.
- You can buy anti-mould paint, that can help prevent the formation of mould spores before they even start.
- You will need to remove any existing mould before you paint this stuff on, in case you were wondering!
- Check your insulation. If your roof is well insulated then it will get less damp, meaning that there is far less chance of mould building up.
Also, if you live in a damp house, consider investing in a dehumidifier. These will help to prevent the mould from growing back, by depriving it of its favourite damp conditions.
Can Black Mould On Ceiling Hurt You?
Black mould is not only unattractive to look at, it can also cause some damage to your physical health.
However, it is not the mould itself, but rather the conditions that it favours – the dark, damp and airless places.
Once mould has take a hold, it can be really hard to get rid of, so you may be left with some of the following conditions:
- Difficulty breathing.
- Headaches.
- Skin irration.
- Chronic coughing or sneezing.
- Sinus and nasal congestion.
- Nosebleeds.
- An increase in asthma attacks.
If you are suffering from a combination of these issues AND you live in a house with a persistent mould problem, you may want to visit your healthcare provider.
Black mould has a reputation for being a killer, but remember that it is not the mould itself that is the problem.
The mould is a symptom; you need to get to the root cause of the problem to stop the mould, and consequently the health issues!
What Can Happen If You Live Around Black Mould?
Because mould develops in damp places, people who live around mould tend to have more respiratory issues which can cause them problems.
Living in damp conditions can also exacerbate conditions like asthma, as well as certain allergies.
Damp conditions and subsequent mould problems can damage the immune system as a whole, leaving you far more susceptible to common infections and viruses.
Mould can cause problems especially in those who already have weakened immune systems, as well as the young and the old.
If you experience problems as a result of mould, your first priority should be to get rid of it!
You can help some of your symptoms by taking allergy medicine, either over the counter or prescribed by your GP if necessary.
Being around black mould won’t kill you – but it is certainly something you should work on getting rid of.
If you want a few nightmares, have a look at this video about the harm that mould can do:
Do Air Purifiers Help With Mould?
As the name states, an air purifier will literally clean your air of harmful particulates – including mould spores.
An air purifier, although it may seem like a bit of a luxury item, can really help you if you have problems with mould in your house.
You cannot fix an existing mould problem by simply getting an air purifier, but you can prevent the mould spores from ever taking hold.
Air purifiers will capture the mould spores right out of the air, meaning that they cannot land and reproduce anywhere.
If you have an existing mould problem then by all means get an air purifier – but remember that you will have to get rid of the existing mould to get any results.
Final Thoughts
As you probably already know, having mould anywhere in your house is far from ideal. If you’ve been looking to get rid of it, look no further!
Now that you have a few answers to the question why is there black mould on my ceiling, you can get on with getting rid of it.